
Home » Young Commander’s Supernatural Sweetheart

Young Commander’s Supernatural Sweetheart

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Dans la vie passée, Mu Qing Xin était un citoyen inconnu qui a rencontré d'innombrables salauds lors de rendez-vous à l'aveugle

Une fois qu'elle a transmigré à l'interstellaire, elle est devenue une riche et célèbre fille handicapée mentale?! Désolée, son QI est maintenant en ligne et elle est encore plus gâtée par toute la famille.

La puissance spatiale se réveille, changer le physique d'un déchet n'est pas un rêve, juste que ces nutriments monotones et désagréables ne peuvent être tolérés.

"Petite soeur, quelle délicieuse nourriture faites-vous?" Les trois beaux frères ont dégluti, attendant d'être nourris;

"Bébé, papa a travaillé dur, envoie plus de nourriture ~" Le célèbre commandant a exprimé ce qui est solennel et dignité;

"Miss Mu, bienvenue dans notre école." Le directeur du meilleur collège de la capitale rappelle la délicieuse cuisine, et son vieux visage souriait comme un chrysanthème…

Le parfum de la délicieuse nourriture peut améliorer la culture et les capacités. Il y a des gourmets réguliers et de beaux hommes qui se rassemblent.

Un certain commandant militaire, dont le visage devient de plus en plus sombre, emmène directement quelqu'un à la maison, se préparant à avoir une bonne conversation!

- Description de Novelupdates


Titre Court:YCSS
Titre Original:星际重生:军少的异能小甜心
Weekly Rank:#3638
Monthly Rank:#899
All Time Rank:#703
Mots Clés:Beautiful Female Lead, Cooking, Doting Older Siblings, Doting Parents, Family, Female Protagonist, Futuristic Setting, Handsome Male Lead, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Magical Space, Military, Outer Space, Transmigration,
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16 Comments on “Young Commander’s Supernatural Sweetheart
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  1. What about the real identity of Dongfang ling? What about revenge against Qun family? Flame tree is it dead? Why the hell mc didn't go and look for her friend in empire when she guessed that empire was captured by zreg 5 years ago? Jill, how is he now? Author forgot about many things.

  2. Hi does any one know mc is interstellar world she gorn the world after her death she bounded by the system can you plz tell me the name of the novel

  3. The MC annoyed me quiet a bit. Her "naive dumbfounded" expressions and choices can be explained that she hasnt been in the world for very long. But she is 30yrs old mentally that is constantly drooling over good looking men [dumb mc turns dumber when a hot guy gets in seeing distance of her] and takes half the story to truly train and not be a burden, even then she is playing catch up because she doesnt read or learn more about her world so many think strike her stupid. I love a farming and cooking novel, she doesnt really spend time farming and hands out her ultra energy saturated food that she knows but doesnt care that its super expensive and she hands it out for free like 1 cent candy. She caters to any and all with food to the point i no longer feel bad that the poor girl is working so much and getting nothing but demands for more but annoyed that she lets herself get taken advantage of so much. I dropped it at the military training because it highlights and repeats her catering to other for free and her ignorance that would be easily solved if she put effort into but to busy cooking for all.

  4. I've only read till Chp 210. That one part where the ml team kinda took or stole the plants from the scientist, I remembered reading a yaoi novel where the ml team often took plants from the scientist. I want to read again and I didn't remember the title.

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