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What Should I Do If I Attack the Protagonist Through a Book?

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Il a fallu vingt ans à Gu Yu pour se rendre compte qu'il s'est avéré être le rôle de soutien masculin vicieux de la chair à canon dans un roman.
Forçant le protagoniste à signer un contrat, et étant joueur et affectueux, il s'est retrouvé avec sa famille ruinée et sa famille détruite.
Juste au moment où il était sur le point d'établir une bonne relation avec le protagoniste Gong et de profiter des failles de l'intrigue,
Qui aurait pensé que le protagoniste Gong dans le livre, et le patron impitoyable qui ne s'entendait pas avec le protagoniste à la fin, était en fait son ex-petit ami qui a été abandonné par lui au lycée ? !
Oh ho !
Gu Yu : Merci pour l'invitation, ne me dérangez pas.

Gu Yu, qui a été forcé de suivre le complot, a fait face au furieux protagoniste Gong qui semblait sur le point de commettre un meurtre dans la seconde suivante. Son ex-petit ami,
Avec l'épouse du futur protagoniste Gong dans ses bras, son partenaire de commérage actuel, il a récité hébété les lignes : "Je vous préviens, c'est mon homme."
En voyant Fu Yeyu, qui flamboyait aux yeux de la partie adverse, qui pouvait bondir sur lui et le déchirer dans la seconde suivante, il ne put s'empêcher de réfléchir sur lui-même : Pourquoi ne puis-je pas penser à l'attaque du protagoniste ? !

L'attaque principale, l'oisif devrait être l'attaque sans cœur × dont souffre le patron irritable
Gu Yu×Fu Huayu

Balises de contenu : fort, miroir brisé, réunion, cercle de divertissement, porter des livres
Mots clés de recherche : Protagoniste : Gu Yu, Fu Huayu ┃ Second rôle : ┃ Autres :
Introduction d'une phrase : Détruisez, je suis fatigué
Conception : tourner en rond ou revenir à l'origine

- Description de MTLNovels


Titre Original:穿书攻了主角攻怎么办
Auteur:Red Pot Usu
Weekly Rank:#3863
Monthly Rank:#4214
All Time Rank:#7689
Mots Clés:Protagonist Strong from the Start, Rebirth, Seme Protagonist, Showbiz, Transmigration,
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30 Comments on “What Should I Do If I Attack the Protagonist Through a Book?
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  1. I read the comments and couldn't help but put in my own version of simplifying the summary... Gu Yu (our MC) discovered that he's actually a cannon fodder in a novel where Fu Huayu (our ML) is the seme/gong and Ye Xing is the uke/shou. He took advantage of loopholes to keep himself out of possible danger from being hated by the novel protagonists. BUT, with Ye Xing within his embrace and saying 'this is my man!', Gu Yu saw the infuriated Fu Huayu who is ready to pounce on him. SO he thought, why not just attack (as in flirt) the protagonist Fu Huayu to keep his self from downfall(cuz he's a cannon fodder). It's basically just that, but if you read this you'll find the difference in the actual story from this summary. Meh. Nice read though.

  2. Oh i forget the ex boyfriend part. While he is 'forced' to follow the plot, while Ye Xing is in his embrace and his ex boyfriend in front of them, he said 'this is my man!'............(dots to hide a possible spoiler)......................(dots to hide a possible spoiler)......................(dots to hide a possible spoiler)..........That's why Fu Huayu is angry. Just from the summary I already understand that his ex boyfriend is Fu Huayu, the novel's protagonist gong. (Supposedly)

  3. Hola, disculpen el comentario que ni al caso pero realmente estoy desesperada, busco una novela de transmigración rápida, no recuerdo mucho, solo un arco en el que el protagonista es el maestro de el ml, pero está dentro de una trama en donde el villano (ahora el mc) interrumpe el crecimiento del héroe, el hecho es que el siempre sabe revertir la situación, entonces le hace creer que en realidad siempre lo cuido en secreto pero lo trataba con indiferencia para protegerlo (por que oh sorpresa, el ml es mitad demonio) y lo desterró y siempre interrumpió su cultivo con tal de protegerlo por que (según el mc) hizo un trato con su padre para que no lo mataran cuando el ml era solo un bebé Perdón, siento que no me exprese muy bien así que diré algunos puntos importantes •Mc no cambia la configuración inicial por que le gusta ser malo (pero si da pequeñas pistas de ese tipo de cuidado silencioso) •Ml (creo) siempre es el protagonista en todos los mundos Ahhh, ya no recuerdo más, pero si alguno de ustedes tiene una idea del nombre de la novela por favor ayúdenme

  4. Hi) If I'm not mistaken, this is Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person. It's one of my favorite novels. It looks like Arc 5 - I'm the Demon King - The Daozhang's Allure. It's chapters 57 to 62.

  5. summary explanation for people still interested and confused: GY (our MC) is the cannon fodder supporting role in the novel / FH is the Novel Gong (our ML) / YX is the Novel Shou // In the novel MC ended up with his family ruined and his family destroyed cause he doesn’t have a good relationship w/ ML and the NS // So he wants to have better relationship w/ the Gong (via exploiting loopholes) so him and his family will have a way out and not get eradicated // MC didn’t know that his ex-boyfriend is the Novel Gong (ML has different name back in high school) // Take note that MC is forced to follow the plot or he will die (at least that’s what i understood from it) // Now the excerpt: Gu Yu (MC), who was forced to follow the plot, faced the furious Novel Gong (ML) who seemed to be about to commit murder in the next second. ML watched on while he MC has the Novel Shou (MC’s gossip partner) in his arms as MC numbly recited the lines: “I warn you, this is my man.” Seeing ML was really mad, MC couldn’t help but reflect on himself: Why couldn’t I, the cannon fodder, have had ideas about the Novel Gong instead?

  6. summary explanation for people still interested and confused: GY (our MC) is the cannon fodder supporting role in the novel FH is the Novel Gong (our ML) YX is the Novel Shou In the novel MC ended up with his family ruined and his family destroyed cause he doesn’t have a good relationship w/ ML and the NS So he wants to have better relationship w/ the Gong (via exploiting loopholes) so him and his family will have a way out and not get eradicated MC didn’t know that his ex-boyfriend is the Novel Gong (ML has different name back in high school) Take note that MC is forced to follow the plot or he will die (at least that’s what i understood from it) Now the excerpt: Gu Yu (MC), who was forced to follow the plot, faced the furious Novel Gong (ML) who seemed to be about to commit murder in the next second. ML watched on while he MC has the Novel Shou (MC’s gossip partner) in his arms as MC numbly recited the lines: “I warn you, this is my man.” Seeing ML was really mad, MC couldn’t help but reflect on himself: Why couldn’t I, the cannon fodder, have had ideas about the Novel Gong instead

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