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What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

3.5 (11 reviews)
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Maintenant, parlez avec conscience !

Je suis un eunuque, comment pourrais-je avoir une liaison avec la reine, la concubine et la servante ?

De plus, je suis un eunuque, comment pourrais-je être un grand maître ?

La division Qingzheng, la garde impériale, la Holy Society, la guilde Mozhe et les maîtres de la transformation étrangère… comment ont-ils tous pu m'écouter ?

La chose la plus extrême est que je suis un eunuque, et vous soupçonniez en fait que la reine était enceinte de moi ?

Eh bien, même si c'est vrai, mais en tant qu'eunuque, comment puis-je avoir de mauvaises pensées ?

PS : L'autre monde est au-dessus de nos têtes, il y a des gens et des démons, il y a des épéistes et des centaines d'écoles, et il est toujours facile de s'entraîner avec l'opération Sao~

- Description de MTLNovels


Titre Court:WKBTCEH
Titre Original:太监能有什么坏心思
Auteur:little minister
Weekly Rank:#5548
Monthly Rank:#4980
All Time Rank:#7185
Mots Clés:Eunuch, Fast Cultivation, Harem, Martial arts, Romance, Royalty, Transmigration,
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25 Comments on “What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?
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  1. The first 50 chapters were pretty good. Mc is a scumbug who play with girls' heart, but the comedic tone and mc's wits were really selling points for me. But then, the author decided to rewrite a case investigation plot into action scene with nonsense inner monologues that doesn't conform to mc's personality at all because there's few action scene so far. Maybe it wouldn't have much impact if I only read the reuploaded chapters. But reading these two versions side by side and with the author's note, it feels like author's gonna be writing a whole new book from that point on. Maybe later chaoters would still be good, but the interest is already lost.

  2. I love Enuch novels but this one is terrible. Idk man you decide. This is pretty much self-fufillment fantasy. I have yet to see a good enuch novel where MC stays low key and steals the untouched concubined... Most just get abandoned by MC. 'Dog stuck in cold palace' is probably the only one where he loves her but the harem is just badly written. Can't enjoy it.

  3. Its been 300 chapters and mc had a penis grow back for a 100+ chapters already but hasn't ducked anyone yet, so disappointed, i thought mc would go on a beauty catching rampage.

  4. MC here is a real Eunuch. Well later he got his thing back within hundred chapters Although he says he will let others bully him and definitely not fight back, that's just bullshit. MC captured a 3rd rank Grandmaster with torturous means when that person tries to kill MC who was I think at rank 5. This is also the only novel where MC practices cultivation techniques of Mohist School of hundred schools of thought rather than Confucianism and Taoism. As for power, MC follows one of the two princes fighting for throne and also defeats the other prince. He also entered the bathroom of one of the concubines who helped him earlier and told her that he will take her away after reaching semi - holy rank. MC also has relationship with other women and two of which are incharge of two very important investigation forces( one force investigates inner palace while other sees demon related incidents ). And from what I can see in summary, I think MC will also have relationship with Mother of the prince he is helping( MC showed interest in her in early chapters when he was talking to her son ).

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