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This Alpha’s Pheromones Are Exploding

4.6 (126 reviews)
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Qiu Jin a de nouveau métamorphosé en livre.

La dernière fois, il a émigré en oméga avec des phéromones qui pourraient rendre les gens fous. Cette fois, les cieux étaient miséricordieux et l'ont finalement fait métamorphoser en alpha. De plus, c'était l'alpha le plus sexy du cercle du divertissement.

Malheureusement, c'était une chair à canon.

Le principal gōng du livre original était Ji Shenxiao, PDG d'un tyran distant. Il était alpha au maximum. Sa maîtrise de soi était si forte que peu importe comment les omégas tentaient de le séduire, il resterait immobile comme une montagne. Jusqu'à ce qu'il rencontre le protagoniste omega shòu, qui a activé sa deuxième veine et l'a transformé en le chien gōng le plus féroce.

Et Qiu Jin était l'alpha fourrager des canons qui rivalisait avec Ji Shenxiao. Arrogant et despotique, il a essayé de prendre avec force et a perdu grandiose. Il a défié encore et encore le résultat net du protagoniste. Finalement, sa glande a été détruite et sa famille est tombée dans le dénuement.

À cet égard, Qiu Jin a déclaré qu'il ne serait pas un mâle alpha toxique, alors protagoniste, allez-y. Cependant, les humains ne pouvaient pas défier les destins, et juste au moment où Qiu Jin s'efforçait de devenir un alpha de haute qualité, les phéromones qui ont rendu tous les alphas fous dans le dernier monde sont revenus!

À ce moment, il a vu le protagoniste gōng réprimer ses désirs jusqu'à ce que ses yeux soient rouges, et ses phéromones sont devenues incontrôlables.

Qiu Jin a avalé: "Frère, parlons-en…"

L'alpha lui serra la nuque, la voix rauque: "Mais je préfère le faire directement."

Les rivaux d'amour deviennent des amoureux. Alpha devient oméga.

- Description de Novelupdates


Titre Court:APAE
Titre Original:这个Alpha香爆了[穿书]
Auteur:Shao Tang
Weekly Rank:#2349
Monthly Rank:#2433
All Time Rank:#1226
Mots Clés:Calm Protagonist, Character Growth, Cold Love Interests, Comedic Undertone, Confident Protagonist, Cooking, Devoted Love Interests, Discrimination, Doting Older Siblings, Enemies Become Allies, Enemies Become Lovers, Family Conflict, Famous Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Hated Protagonist, Kuudere, Modern Day, Mpreg, Omegaverse, Overprotective Siblings, Power Couple, Proactive Protagonist, Showbiz, Strong Love Interests, Transmigration, Wealthy Characters,
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126 vote(s)

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27 Comments on “This Alpha’s Pheromones Are Exploding
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  1. Looking for a an Abo BL, mc is an O who dreamt of being marked. Turns out the dream mark was really effect, so every dream pestered A. A turned out to be the film emperor. Please if anyone knows the name, let me know

  2. I'm looking for a novel where MC shou transmigrated into a book and become omega, as far as I remember it's ABO novel and ML is an film emperor but I'm not sure, i kinda forgot the story. In the story ML likes someone else (ML friend) but they are both alphas. Alpha that ML likes(ML friend) once met MC in the toilet, and almost bit MC? MC decided to divorce ML, but ML started to like MC and chased MC. After that ML knows that MC is pregnant with his child. I think they already divorce before ML know MC pregnant with his child and decided to chase MC. Anyone know the title of this novel? English isn't my first language, so pls excuse any mistake ^^

  3. Honestly i didnt like the mc at the beginning and middle up until theu go together bcs he was so ungrateful. Spoiler warning, the ml did so much for him and showed his love etc to mc but he still naively said that its bcs of the phermones and hurt the ml a lot. And he also did the bed scene with the other actor without thinking and esp after when ml himself brought a cake over and said hapoy birthday to him, mc like ignored him and not even a hug. Obv ml did the most work prepping for his bday but mc passed him and ml like left to his car all sad and it was a bit of an angst moment. Sometimes i just want to hit the mc. But overall its ok story and its sweet at the end.

  4. Hello Apakah ada yang tahu judul dari novel ini? Aku hanya ingat sedikit dari sinopsisnya ini Yaoi Mereka berdua itu atlet, dan dikabarkan sering bertengkar jika bertemu. Tetapi di balik itu mereka ternyata pasangan Ketika melihat berita itu salah satu dari mereka berkata "apakah kita bertengkar?" Sambil memegang tanda gigi di lehernya dengan satu tangan. Yang satu nya menjawab "kita bahkan telah menghancurkan satu ranjang bersama" Hanya ini yang aku ingat. Karena aku kehilangan judul novelnya. Teriamaksi Hello Does anyone know the title of this novel? I only remember a little bit from the synopsis. it's Yaoi The two of them are athletes, and it is reported that they often quarrel when they meet. But behind that they turned out to be a couple When they saw the news, one of them said "are we fighting?" While holding the tooth mark on his neck with one hand. One replied "we even destroyed a bed together" This is all I remember.If anyone knows, please let me know in the comments. Thanks, because I lost it.

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