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The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

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Résumé du Roman

Le protagoniste Cun Yunsheng a voyagé dans le temps et est devenu commandant de régiment de l'armée du Sichuan. Afin de raviver le prestige de l'armée du Sichuan, il a résolument reconstruit l'armée du Sichuan.

Par la suite, il réalise de nombreux exploits militaires et devient célèbre avec son régiment de chair à canon.

- Description de MTLNovels


Titre Court:TWRBRL
Titre Original:抗战从团长开始
Auteur:Socrates has no love
Weekly Rank:#234
Monthly Rank:#192
All Time Rank:#10242
Mots Clés:Army, Army Building, Discrimination, Male Protagonist, Military, Nationalism, Racism,
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4 Comments on “The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader
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  1. if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading this.

  2. If you are reading this it means the so called curse above this comment being solved . I am sorry guys someone solve and i am only the one who write because have nothing to do only sit at my a** and make peoppe worry about somethibg doesn't exist. Am i a god ? No! Then how can i know peoples death from future . All i want you understand is this curse has been solved so don't worry to curse (with your own words) the bot who write it to you guys to read :P

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