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The Sick and Weak Horse Dressed As a Villain

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4.7 (30 reviews)
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Dans un accident, Qiao Wenzhuan est devenu la chair à canon du même nom qui est décédé au début des années 70, le héros hongkongais Shuang Wenzhong.
La chair à canon est le cheval en bambou du méchant dans le livre. Il est mort d'une grave maladie et n'avait pas d'argent pour se soigner. Sa mort a également été le détonateur du noircissement du grand méchant, qui lui a permis de se lancer sur une route sanglante d'argent et d'argent sans scrupules, et est finalement tombé à une fin tragique d'être abattu.
Qiao Wen, qui venait de sortir du lit d'hôpital, a regardé le beau méchant qui allait couper des gens avec un couteau afin de récolter des fonds pour le corps d'origine afin de traiter sa maladie.
——Je pense que ce produit peut être sauvegardé à nouveau.
Qiao Wen a empêché le méchant de devenir noir tout en travaillant dur pour faire fortune et sortir des bidonvilles.
Il faut monter des usines et s'engager dans l'industrie.
Achetez des actions et spéculez sur la terre.
Continuez à faire des films et à vous divertir.
Soit dit en passant, la lutte contre les forces du mal favorise la justice dans le monde.
——Je ne suis pas une chair à canon, mais une légende.

Quand tout s'est bien passé, Qiao Wen a constaté que les yeux du grand méchant devenaient de plus en plus faux, et il semblait… qu'ils étaient toujours assombris.
Il tapota l'épaule de l'autre personne et lui lissa les cheveux : bon frère, pour la vie.
Les yeux de quelqu'un sont brillants, hehe sourire narquois : Eh bien, un bon frère une courtepointe. Le corps est délicat et faible, mais la beauté du public porteur est submergée par la force VS. Quiconque touchera ma belle-fille, je ferai sauter l'homme qui est la tête du chien.
Deux garçons des bidonvilles font fortune et combattent le méchant gland de mise à niveau Shuangwen, le protagoniste masculin Su Su Su Su Su Su Su. À l'ère du style hongkongais, il est irréaliste de porter des livres dans un espace parallèle.

Balises de contenu : fort et fort, à travers le livre, le texte sympa, le texte chronologique
Mots-clés de recherche : protagoniste : Qiao Wen, Chen Jianan Rôle de soutien : hin beaucoup d'autres :
Introduction en une phrase : la contre-attaque de deux garçons des bidonvilles dans les années 1970
Aspiration : dur labeur pour devenir riche, chevalerie et justice

- Description de MTLNovels


Titre Court:TSWHDAV
Titre Original:穿成反派的病弱竹马
Auteur:Against the current
Weekly Rank:#9263
Monthly Rank:#6485
All Time Rank:#6167
Mots Clés:Arms Dealers, Businessmen, Calm Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Clingy Lover, Clumsy Love Interests, Criminals, Cunning Protagonist, Doting Love Interests, Enemies Become Allies, Evil Organizations, Friendship, Gangs, Hard-Working Protagonist, Poor to Rich, Power Couple, Revenge, Schemes And Conspiracies, Showbiz, Smart Couple, Strategis, Strong Love Interests, Talent, Transmigration, Weak Protagonist, Wealthy Characters,
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16 Comments on “The Sick and Weak Horse Dressed As a Villain
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  1. Endingnya klise dan anti klimaks. Menurutku masih butuh beberapa bab untuk penutupan, masa begitu aja sih anjir. Tpi status novelnya completed. Ceritanya bagus dan seru kayak novel hetero rasanya bukan makanan anjing kayak novel² BL yang lain. Cuma gw gk nyangka kalau skala ceritanya itu bakal segede itu konfliknya. Plot twistnya kurang nendang karana di bangun 1/3 babak terakhir jadi kesan motif villainnya gk kuat kayak "lah kenapa lu kayak begitu." Main villainnya juga udah ketebak sih dari awal dia muncul. Si main villain ini di gambaron OP banget tapi kayak ujug² aja gk ada penjelasannya. Aku tidak merasakan kelicilan, kepintaran dan kekejamannya sebagai penjahat utama. Gk karismatik gitu.

  2. A great novel brimming with action, mystery, and pure romance. I highly recommend this to everyone!... Or whatever, I'll tell you what. At first, after reading the title and sypnosis, I was like: "Is this a possessive evil ML too?" Cuz like, I thought it was a "possessive villain who's evil in the first place but the sickly childhood friend was the only person keeping him from going down the dark path" trope, but then, the novel is actually quite different from the title and sypnosis. You could say that the "vibe" of the ML is a bit misleading, but even though it diverged from my initial expectationz it's kinda great. Actually, I love it. It's just that, it kinda seem like the author desperately wanted to be original, lmao. Anyways, aside from that, everything is good. So... Before I review this, just wanted to remind that I'm just expressing my opinion and I don't mean to offend anyone and everyone is free to hate, agree, like, or disagree with my comment. So .. Plot: 10/10 : The plot is located in Hong Kong from the time of War, in about 1970. What's great is that the author has real life information that he can use as a source and inspiration for the novel, which greatly "strengthen" the "foundation" of the novel. Like, it seems more real, logical, and... I don't know. It's just great. Characters: 11/10 : The characters are well thought and because of the way the author wrote, the characters seem real. The reason why I gave eleven is because there are other characters that doesn't have much screen time, but seem really real and have their own principles, even though the novel doesn't focus much on them. For example, the girl they met on Vietnam. It's really good. I also love the dynamic of the MC and the ML, fully showcasing the "Brains and the Brawls" Theme: 9/10 : I love how the novel showcased the relationship of the two. It's really romantic. The actions is also great and the mystery is awesome. I also like the factory scene in the near beginning. It shows some "business" feels. Or whatever. Writing: 10/10 : I found some beautiful and sad quotes in here and the writing is preise and accurately shoes the events. It's just that, in some parts, I need to "feel" what I'm supposed to "feel", but I didn't feel much. But since I *understood " it and because of some of the quotes, I still gave a 10/10. Pacing : 9.99999/10 : I feel like some details are left out and at the start of the chapters, the information overload made me confused. At first, I didn't even know there was a character named Lin Nan because of the too past pacing and information overload, but overall, it's great. But the pace is kinda bit fadt, which is good, but not my type.... But it's good.... A little bit only. Cuz I, you know, didn't feel much in the "assassination" scene, which is kinda bad Ending: either 9/10 or 11/10. I really love the ending! The one on the extra, I mean. Because of the ending, the novel fully showcased the "life of a person", which really made the novel feel as if it is real. And not only that, because of the plot, which is based on a real life setting, the feelings intensified and I can't help but feel "fulfilled and lost". So satisfying. The dynamic of "brawls and brains " is good and all, but I feel really angry cuz WHERES THE FREAKMNG BROTHER FENG'S SHIP??? EHAT HAPPENED TO THEM? I KNOW THE STORY IS ABOUT THE TEO BUT THE DIDE CHARACTERS!!!! WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO THEM???? THE FREAKING SHIP!!!! DID IT EVEN SAIL???? Aside from that, I feel really happy because their family accepted their relationship and the freaking BED SCENES!! ALTHOUGH THEY DIDNT REALLY SHOWED ALL OF IT, I LOVE HOW THE AUTHOR MENTIONED THEM. Some novels doesn't really mention them, which is sad, so this is really satisfying. Aside from that.... What was it again.... Right... I feel like the title and the sypnosis is really misleading... Which I already mentioned, but like, it really bothers me cuz... Whatever. Just read it... Oh, right, the frivolous made and female faced guy! That Fey something. I have a theory that he is Lin Nan but like, his ending is just really sad. Whatever, just read it. It's so good! Bye!

  3. This link contains the extras to Jiang Yufend and Li Xingchen. Unfortunately I can't access the two locked chapters to read the rest. But the extras do exist.

  4. it's a nice novel, but the ending is too rushed and there's only one extra to cover about their entire career from 1979 to 2000

  5. Regarding the a request for "The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else". Thanks for replying to me. Sorry I couldn't reply to u bc there is a small problem. I haven't the raw of it. I saw it in Can it be translated?

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