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The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Cover The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding WorldCover The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World
3.5 (62 reviews)
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Je m'appelle Yanxing, un terrien, qui peut voyager librement entre la terre et un monde magique.

Les elfes aiment la soie que je leur ai apportée.

Les orcs aiment le savon que je leur ai apporté.

Les nobles humains poursuivaient follement la porcelaine blanche.

Le nain était fasciné par l'alliage qu'il m'avait acheté.

Même les morts-vivants espèrent me commander un ensemble de cercueils de haute qualité pour montrer leur identité.

Un jour… des anges, des dragons, des démons m'ont trouvé.

Je leur ai dit : « Mon marché est ouvert à toutes les races et créatures. Ce que vous payez peut être des pièces d'or ou votre travail..."

- Description de MTLNovels


Titre Court:TESWW
Titre Original:魔法世界的地球供货商
Auteur:True North
Weekly Rank:#4956
Monthly Rank:#4795
All Time Rank:#2072
Mots Clés:Business Management, Businessmen, Dwarfs, Elves, Firearms, Game Elements, Interdimensional Travel, Kingdom Building, Kingdoms, Knights, Magic, Male Protagonist, Modern Knowledge, Orcs, Schemes And Conspiracies, Slow Growth at Start, System, System Administrator, Transmigration, Wars, World Hopping,
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58 Comments on “The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World
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  1. Started great, went downhill after. Instead of having a kingdom-building novel, we have a MC who is travelling left and right, provoking powerful people. When the times comes for getting money, it is abstracted with minimal numbers. He gets 100 000 gold, but how does he spends it? Noone knows. What is the income, what is the expenses, what is military expenditures, what is trade income, what is R&D spending etc. Noone knows. The author just says "military spent all my money".....

  2. Awalannya bagus. Tapi semakin lama semakin tidak logis. 1. MC bisa mendapatkan senjata api dan RPG di dunia nyata melalui perusahaan swasta orang lain? Di China secara legal. Wow bagaimana bisa?. Meskipun anda orang kaya sekalipun. 2.MC sama sekali tidak memahami bidang teknis mengenai induatrialisasi alat2 biasa ataupun alat2 militer. Mc hanya menyerahkan kepada kurcaci dan bomm. Alat selesai bisa diproduksi hanya dalam waktu beberapa bulan/ minggu. 3.yah dia seperti menjadi budak systemnya sih.

  3. I'm at chapter 318,and I'm wondering where the game elements are because that's what I'm reading this for. I haven't seen a mention of them for a hundred or two chapters.

  4. That always happens in system tags novels. They seem to front and set the premise for system tags but later on forget about it. I think they want clicks for it and borrowing the trend of system tags which is a extremely frustrating thing when you are reading the novel for system tag.

  5. thats a major problem for most wizard novels, they start with stats and half way in the writer gets lazy and removes it, this is like having a RPG character and then out of nowhere its gone.

  6. Just like How thanos can speak english, and asgardian also speak english, because it was hollywood movie so of cours they speak english, this novel is chinese novel so they use chinese as universal language for it's reader

  7. not in this novel. its different language. mc can understand them and vice versa is all because of power that bring mc in that world. in most novel mc can get this skill to know that worlds language. lets face its if people dont know how to communicate its difficult to do anything and your work will hard to do even its can be impossible. this novel is good and dont have china no1 theme

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