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The Delicate Lady Coroner

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4.9 (35 reviews)
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Point de vue du responsable féminin :

À cinq ans, les parents de Bó Ruò Yōu sont décédés. Ses oncles cherchaient un prêtre taoïste pour deviner son sort. Apparemment, c'était une femme qui portait malheur à sa famille et portait le sort à son père et à sa mère, et il était affirmé qu'elle mourrait jeune, incapable de vivre au-delà de dix-huit ans.

Sous la bannière de changer son destin, ses oncles l'ont chassée de la porte familiale.

Après son départ, ses biens ont été saisis et son contrat de mariage lui a été retiré. Ils ont tout arraché, n'attendant que sa mort à dix-huit ans.

Ils ont attendu et attendu, mais avant même que Bó Ruò Yōu n'atteigne dix-huit ans, ce qui les attendait, c'est comment elle a utilisé ses compétences de dissection de cadavres et d'examen des os pour secouer Jiangnan.

Les influents et la noblesse l'invitaient à faire parler les morts, les princes et marquis la suppliaient de réparer une injustice pour les vivants.

Et derrière elle, se tenait également un homme qui pouvait semer la terreur dans l'intégralité de la Grande Dynastie Zhou.

Point de vue du responsable masculin :

Manier les émissaires brodés ci-dessus, assumer la Cour des châtiments ci-dessous.

L'impitoyable et intraitable Huò Wēi Lóu avait le pouvoir de subvertir les tribunaux et les communes, mais il reniflait dédaigneusement les charmes féminins.

Par conséquent, lors de leur première rencontre, même si Bó Ruò Yōu était issu d'une famille officielle et possédait un visage incomparable, il la détestait toujours comme une chaussure usée.

Plus tard, après avoir vu ses mains longues, fines et blondes examiner un cadavre de femme vêtue de robes rouges, brisant ses fantômes et s'emparant de sa vie, clarifiant les injustices de longue date du passé…

Huò Wēi Lóu : Vraiment parfumé, vraiment et vraiment parfumé !

- Description de Novelupdates


Titre Court:DLC
Titre Original:仵作娇娘
Weekly Rank:#3657
Monthly Rank:#2503
All Time Rank:#5543
Mots Clés:Ancient China, Aristocracy, Beautiful Female Lead, Calm Protagonist, Episodic, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Mystery Solving, Strong Love Interests,
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10 Comments on “The Delicate Lady Coroner
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  1. 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗥𝟭𝟴 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗹: 𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗿𝟭𝟴.𝗰𝗼𝗺

  2. Whoa, I just started reading and two people are already dead. How the deaths happened are still murky, with foul play suspected. The two main characters are involved with the investigation immediately and the plot gallops onwards from then on. It really has the vibe of an Agatha Christie mystery (albeit set in a historical Chinese dynasty setting), or Detective Conan/Case Closed. I haven't read a c-novel this tightly plotted in a while. I'm sure I wouldn't regret this one. Main genre here is obviously mystery, with romance just being a subplot.

  3. Also, your brain better be online when you read this. Otherwise, it's going to be hard to follow the clues scattered like breadcrumbs that would solve the mysteries. It's par for the course for reading any mystery novels, I guess. Just saying. Of course, you can just read blithely and be prepared to be amazed every other page or so by the main characters' observations and conjectures, that's also a plausible way to read it 😅

  4. Can anyone tell me the name of this story? The plot is similar to this one. But her father is alive. She is an unfavorable daughter and her father is very dissatisfied with her bone dissection profession. If possible he won't even let her leave the house.She is a very good artist and can draw the portrait of dead only by touching the bones. She can also detect the death whether it was murder or natural death by looking at the bones. Ml is a official similar to modern day police. After seeing how professionally mc can handle these and can find out the reason of death he becomes interested in her because there is a case in his hand maybe his family matter where he needs her help. I had read only a few chapters and can't remember much there were two cases I remember . Ml met mc for the first time when she was drawing portrait of dead people burnt by fire accident. There was no way to identify who this corpse belong to. Another is a di daughter of a noble died from accident but she detected that it was murder because she was pushed down by her handmaid who did this as a revenge because the daughter had some kind of anger issue and to release the anger she used to whip the maids and the maid who killed her because when the daughter whipped her, at that time she was pregnant and she had miscarriage because of her. Perhaps lose the ability to give birth

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