
Home » Supreme Throne of Doom

Supreme Throne of Doom

Cover Supreme Throne of DoomCover Supreme Throne of Doom
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Une perle noire a amené Jiang Feng d'une étape apocalyptique où les grands maîtres avec un empereur, deux empereurs, trois empereurs, quatre divinités et sept villes sans égal montrent leur gloire au temps et à l'espace parallèles, et cette fois-ci et l'espace-le la fin du monde n'est pas encore ouverte! !! Sous le ciel, les jeunes lèvent les yeux, si j'ai de la force, puis-je passer… ces deux temps et espace! !!

- Description de 69shu


Titre Court:SToD
Titre Original:末日之无上王座
Weekly Rank:#8808
Monthly Rank:#8101
All Time Rank:#6535
Mots Clés:Apocalypse, Evolution, Second Chance, Superpowers, Transformation Ability, Zombies,
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  1. Черт, если ты читаешь это, значит, твои родители умрут через 5 лет. Чтобы снять это проклятие, ты должен вставить этот комментарий еще к 5 мангам. Мне так жаль, пожалуйста, прости меня. Я не хотел рисковать.

  2. How much of a brain dead person must he be to tell about everything also he doesn't seem like a person who used to live in apocalypse will you tell a killer about everything just as soon as apocalypse started guess what mc does he seem like a 13 year old mentality

  3. Another not very ruttless mc keep saving here and there damn it why dont you just make yourself stronger first well you can save some talents but others nah dont save much it might make an impression that humans should help each other so that our species might not be extinct is much the right thing to do but by not helping others can make humans extinct then there is no reason for to survive I mean completely dependent to you to make the humanity in novel a comeback then dont bother if humananity is just that it better to survive with your yourself and your subordinates 😫

  4. Sekarang bahasa Indonesia sudah keluar. Bahasa Indonesia akan keluar sekitar 1 jam setelah bahasa Inggris keluar, mohon bersabar

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