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Regal Guard of Dragon (Royal Dragon Husband)

Cover Regal Guard of DragonCover Regal Guard of Dragon
1.8 (16 reviews)
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Résumé du Roman

«Maître, vous êtes trop lent pour dépenser de l'argent. La famille vous a donné un milliard. Pourquoi ne l'avez-vous pas dépensé en un mois? »

En tant qu'héritier des plus riches, Chen Feng est très troublé. D'autres ne travaillent pas dur et doivent rentrer chez eux pour travailler à la ferme.

Et si Chen Feng ne travaillait pas dur pour être un gendre de porte-à-porte, il ne pourrait que revenir en arrière et hériter d'un billion de fortune.

Hélas, la vie est trop difficile.

- Description de MTL


Titre Court:RGOD
Titre Original:龙婿 / Royal Dragon Husband
Auteur:Lu LaiFoZu
Weekly Rank:#2475
Monthly Rank:#2771
All Time Rank:#4731
Mots Clés:Poor to Rich,
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16 vote(s)

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10 Comments on “Regal Guard of Dragon
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  1. Wtf did I just read,the sheer idiocy of the MC makes me question my sanity.why the fuck did a poor to rich story has martial art in it? Why the fuck did the MC accept the money he can get? Oh because 'you don't give money when my mother is sick and she died now I won't forgive you' is the MC a naive kid that watch to much drama? You are from a fucking rich family you must atleast have some kind of monthly money,why the fuck did you doesn't have even a million? If the mom is a good martial artist why the fuck did she doesn't have any money? If you could fight why the fuck didn't you go to a UFC or something to earn money? The plot is too naive and warped it makes my brain hurt to read 50chap of the story.

  2. Wtf did I just read,the sheer idiocy of the MC makes me question my sanity.why the fuck did a poor to rich story has martial art in it? Why the fuck did the MC accept the money he can get? Oh because 'you don't give money when my mother is sick and she died now I won't forgive you' is the MC a naive kid that watch to much drama? You are from a fucking rich family you must atleast have some kind of monthly money,why the fuck did you doesn't have even a million? If the mom is a good martial artist why the fuck did she doesn't have any money? If you could fight why the fuck didn't you go to a UFC or something to earn money? The plot is too naive and warped it makes my brain hurt to read 50chap of the story

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