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Mr. Lu, Madam Has Blocked You Again!

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Lu Yunchen, le suzerain de la capitale impériale, a été forcé de se marier par une fille de la campagne !

Au début, il l'a renvoyée : « Nous sommes juste dans une relation contractuelle. Tu n'es pas digne de moi. Ne pense pas que je vais tomber amoureux de toi !

Un groupe de Shuyuan bien connus s'est moqué d'elle : « Pourquoi un bon à rien de la campagne devrait-il devenir Mme Lu ! »

De façon inattendue, elle maîtrise non seulement les compétences médicales, mais aussi un génie de la peinture, un maître du piano et un mystérieux hacker… Ses multiples identités explosent en quelques minutes et elle capture progressivement le cœur de M. Bingshan Lu.

Le jour de l'expiration du contrat, elle a agité ses manches et l'a ignoré : « Mon oncle, s'il te plaît, sauve ta face et ne me harcèle pas. Je n’aime pas les vieillards.

« Bébé, j'avais tort. Je ne suis pas digne de toi ! » Dit M. Lu avec un sourire. Planche à laver, clavier et durian, s'est lancé dans le long chemin pour chasser sa femme. Le tsundere s'offre un moment de plaisir et poursuit sa femme au crématorium !

- Description de MTLNovels


Titre Court:MLMHBYA
Titre Original:陆少,夫人又把您拉黑了!
Auteur:Mi Mengmeng
Weekly Rank:#282
Monthly Rank:#240
All Time Rank:#6392
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10 Comments on “Mr. Lu, Madam Has Blocked You Again!
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  1. Novel in which fl is reborn and became actrees and ml is finding her as they were in same orphanage bit fl forgets it in accident when ml stepmother tried to burn orphanage and sold his twin sister about which he doesn't know . He also has younger brother who's also a actor and best buddy of fl about which he got to know after marriage . Fl name is I think xio mei

  2. Hello, help me find the novella. The main character is kidnapped as a child and becomes a killer in some organization, which she later disbands. She is first in the list of killers. I remember wearing something like a watch on my hand, but there was a fishing line with which it kills. Constantly drank milkshakes after murders. It seems that the novella begins with the main character finding her and returning her to her family.

  3. You know the novel where I think the female protagonist in her previous life came to compose songs and uploaded her songs online and was popular but no one knew who she was, in the end she loses her voice or something like that and her younger sister replaces her, then she She is forced to compose for her sister, but in the end she doesn't get the credit for anything and dies. When she opens her eyes again she realizes that she was reborn in the body of a girl, I don't remember if she was 3,4 or 5 years old. She is then rescued by her mother (the one with the girl's body) and her agent who found her after being trafficked, her mother is an actress and her father is a director. In the end she ends up participating in a movie with her mother and she goes to a variety show, she meets friends with whom she later forms a band.

  4. Does anyone know a novel where the fl is a bit of an airhead, but she realizes that her world is a novel and her parents are divorced? She then moved to France with her mother. She then came back to China when she was 16 or 17, and she has a fiancé that really cares for her. I think she got involved in showbiz, like a variety show. I’ve been trying to find it for years, but I forgot the title.

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