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“Male” Became a Group Favorite with Her

4.6 (28 reviews)
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En entrant dans un champ Shura du campus pour acheter un stock d'articles, Yu Qiuran a découvert qu'il était en fait l'un des "protagonistes masculins".

Et le personnage est un senior doux, paranoïaque et noir, et a été battu par d'autres protagonistes masculins, et s'est terminé tragiquement.

Et parmi les quatre "princes" de la noble académie, qui chassent les filles pauvres, gentilles et bonnes, en plus de son faux homme solitaire et mélancolique "Son Altesse Royale", il y a aussi—

Le tyran arrogant et cool, l'unique "Son Altesse Royale Ao" ;
L'élégant, magnifique et suave "Son Altesse Royale" ;
Le taciturne et explosif "Son Altesse Royale".​
Yu Qiuran : … Depuis les temps anciens, j'ai été doux et masculin, et je n'ai aucun intérêt à m'engager avec Ji. Frère dei, je prendrai le temps de me retirer et de dire au revoir !

Après avoir connu une période de vie paisible (pas) sur le campus au cours de laquelle les ravisseurs se sont battus lors de la fête de l'école, la société a été forcée de mettre en évidence, a sauvé des personnes de l'incendie pendant le festival Qixi et a souvent été piégée dans le champ Shura …, elle a découvert—
L'élégante Sa Majesté Hua apprend tranquillement à faire toutes sortes de collations, se lave les mains et lui prépare de la soupe tous les jours ;
L'Altesse Zhan de Bingshan a travaillé sans relâche pour pelleter de la merde et a élevé une portée de petits animaux avec lesquels elle pouvait jouer ;
Le dominateur Son Altesse Ao reste prudemment, obéissant presque à ses paroles.

Pourquoi est-ce une récompense pour une telle préférence, juste au moment où elle se débattait avec quel petit ami aider en position de tête,
Système : Levez-vous et ouvrez-vous ! L'héroïne a la plus grande affection pour vous !
Le peu aimable Yu Qiuran : Je suis tellement en colère, mais je dois quand même garder un sourire mélancolique !

* héroïne discrète et désinvolte, fiable dans les moments critiques × outsider fou et cool, héros de type chien qui est téméraire et qui fait le ventre creux à la maison

Balises de contenu : famille riche, porter des livres, déguiser les femmes en hommes, texte cool
Mots clés de recherche : Protagoniste : Yu Qiuran ┃ Second rôle : ┃ Autres :
Introduction en une phrase : la vie de groupe de femmes déguisées en hommes sur le campus
Concept : Jeunesse liée à l'amitié et à l'amour

- Description de MTLNovels


Titre Court:BGFH
Titre Original:“男”配她成了团宠
Auteur:观 闲 -kun
Weekly Rank:#7854
Monthly Rank:#7653
All Time Rank:#8527
Mots Clés:Absent Parents, Academy, Aristocracy, beautiful heroine, Calm Protagonist, Campus Love, Charismatic Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Cold Love Interests, Comedic Undertone, Complex Family Relationships, Cross-dressing, Cute Protagonist, Dense Protagonist, Devoted Love Interests, Doting Love Interests, Family Business, Family Conflict, Female Protagonist, Friendship, Handsome Male Lead, Hidden Abilities, Hiding True Identity, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Mysterious Family Background, Rebirth, Schemes And Conspiracies, System Administrator, Transmigration, Wealthy Characters,
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9 Comments on ““Male” Became a Group Favorite with Her
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  1. hi, I lost the title of the novel and I only remember a little synopsis, the story is that fl is transmigration and has a fl system of having to collect the preferences of several protagonists. keluarthen I remembered in one of the protagonists he wasn't rich when he met fl the protagonist he was fierce fl was invited to ride a car and race and the protagonist said something hurtful fl was confused then he found out through the system what happened, it turned out that the little protagonist was kidnapped by his aunt, he fell into the water then he had a fever causing him to lose his memory when kidnapped even though when he was kidnapped he was always accompanied by a small fl. Well, long story short, after FL found out about that, FL and the protagonists went on holiday to their uncle's village, they played on a boat, while in the middle of the lake the protagonist experienced trauma from seeing the water. then I don't know what happened fl and the protagonist fell into the water, after that the protagonist finally found out that fl was his little friend. I hope some of you know the title of the novel, I've been looking for it for a long time huhuhu. thanks in advance

  2. it's funny, this kind of reminds me of ouran high lol but no it's not really like that but the flaunting of wealthy is almost like. the story contains loopholes but it's bearable, the male lead is nice. not overbearing. he's actually cute. the female lead is also also good b—the ending is abrupt but what i like the most is their friendship dynamic so i guess I'm bit biased with reviewing this haha.

  3. Ara ara, so I was seraching what does the first sentence mean then I encountered a little trivia about chinese novels I think. Note: This is just a copy paste from a site that is google translated. I will post the link below if you are interested-------------------------------~ "Are there any sisters who like to read stock-buying articles? Buying a stock article, as the name suggests, is that there will be multiple outstanding male characters in an article. The author did not clearly write who the male protagonist is in the early stage, and readers need to guess by themselves. And the various male gods will compete with each other for the female lead, which is the so-called Shura field. It wasn't until the story was halfway through, or even at the end, that the author revealed who was the final male protagonist. The joy of reading this kind of article is that everyone will silently identify a male protagonist in their hearts, and when it is announced, they will be very happy when they stand right. Of course, standing in the wrong position may be depressing for a long time. This feeling of betting is quite exciting!"

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