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Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Cover Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts ProfessorCover Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor
4.4 (67 reviews)
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Sherlock Forrest, qui venait de traverser le monde de Harry Potter, n'avait pas de doigt d'or et n'héritait pas de la mémoire du propriétaire d'origine, regarda la lettre de nomination de Poudlard dans sa main et fit la moue.

"Juste un professeur de défense contre les forces du mal."

Quelques années plus tard, la Gazette du sorcier a mené une interview avec Harry Potter, l'un des dix talents exceptionnels du monde sorcier du 21e siècle.

"Quand a été le plus beau jour de votre vie ?"

Il y avait un sourire incontrôlable sur le visage de Harry.

"C'est le jour après que le professeur Forrest m'a maudit que je serais emmené par Vous-Savez-Qui demain."

"Euh... et la journée que tu as le moins envie de vivre ?"

Harry est soudainement devenu sombre.

"Chaque Noël."

"Pourquoi est-ce ?"

Il a couvert son visage de douleur et n'a même pas pu s'empêcher de sangloter.

"Woooooo… parce que ce jour-là, le professeur Forrest me souhaitera un joyeux Noël !"


Le livre est également connu sous le titre "S'il vous plaît, taisez-vous, professeur Forrest ! ", "Sur la question de vaincre le Seigneur des Ténèbres, il suffit d'un certain professeur pour ouvrir la bouche", "Je vis une vie furtive à Poudlard, juste pour vivre une vie saine et heureuse"


ps : pas de système

ps2 : la ligne principale commence dans le chapitre de la salle secrète

ps3 : Ceci est un essai de professeur sérieux et sérieux (probablement

- Description de MTLNovels


Titre Court:JDADAP
Titre Original:不过是黑魔法防御课教授罢了
Auteur:Sea boat
Weekly Rank:#1146
Monthly Rank:#1251
All Time Rank:#1178
Mots Clés:Amnesia, Comedic Undertone, Divination, Fan-fiction, Fanfiction, Ghosts, Handsome Male Lead, Harry Potter, Magic, Male Protagonist, Multiple POV, Mysterious Family Background, Mysterious Past, Mystery Solving, Schemes And Conspiracies, Slow Romance, Souls, Teachers, Time Travel, Transmigration, Weak to Strong,
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  1. well this one is a readable work. not that bad, not that good. like any book, you can nitpick and find holes here and there. i did not read any of the original hp books. and probably just watched two of the movies when i saw it showing in one of the tv channels decades ago. my most exposure to hp is probably in fanfics like this so i cannot tell how much reasonable this fic is from the original. i guess my main issue with the hp fanfics i have read is how few the used spells are. i think there are just about 10 here. and also how the mc does not create new spells. one i have always wanted to know is why the mc here did not even create a spell to counter anti-(dis)apparition field. or learn from the magic of the elves. there is just no creativity (regarding creating spells), here or in the other fanfics i have tried. another thing that has bothered me so much is how sane voldemort still is after splitting his soul a lot of times, and constantly use black magic. by the logic of how the magic in hp world works, it seems to not make sense. but by logic of a fiction, well, it makes a lot of sense. lol. i just remembered...after all this time, i only found out dumbledore and grindelwald were gay was when i was reading another fic (hogwarts shippuden) just before this. i had to google it to see if that was in the original. lol. anyway, goign back to this fic, i think the ending could have used more words. like describe how everything settled down. and how things were like years later. it just felt lacking with how the author ended this.

  2. Esta novela es toda contradictoria y el prota por su actitud no parece que tuviera la mentalidad de un adulto. Él dice que solo vio el primer libro de Harry Potter pero cuando empiezan los problemas con la camara secreta, dice saber que la trama se desvio del original.... entonces digo yo como sabe eso? no dijo que lo unico que recordaba era "la camara secreta" y que habia "un basilisco" ???, eso no tiene sentido alguno, no tiene ni idea del diario ni del desarrollo de segundo año pero aun puede decir que la trama se desvio jajajaj

  3. Aquí hay algo que me tiene pensativo.. En su vida pasada era un hombre llamado Charlotte? O era una mujer que ahora reencarno en el cuerpo de un hombre? :P entonces en esta vida con los recuerdos de su vida pasada va ser gay? o era una mujer lesbiana en su vida pasada y ahora siendo hombre no tendra ningún problema? jajajaja

  4. Amazing fan fiction.... A bit slow at certain times, but what I really like even more is that it's true to the source material Lore, But it also creates its own branching story line that does not break established lore and/or character profiles and reader immersion!........................................................................ I can confidently say this is one of the top HP fanfics out there

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