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I Have a Bunch of Players on Earth

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Joueur: Je suis un salarié avec un salaire mensuel inférieur à 5 000. Je dois payer la moitié de mon salaire mensuel. Aucune copine n'est toujours entraînée par mon patron tous les jours, mais je suis très heureux car il y a un jeu virtuel récemment dans le jeu. J'ai une lignée solide, non seulement ma propre flotte mais aussi une planète coloniale récompensée par mon seigneur. Bien que je savais que c'était faux, mais en moi, j'ai trouvé le sens de ma vie!

En fait, le seigneur qui a récompensé sa planète voudrait lui dire que ce n'est pas un faux, vous avez vraiment votre propre flotte et votre planète colonisée. Mais le seigneur sait qu'il ne peut pas dire ça, car une fois dit, ces gens qui se croient joueurs ne doivent plus être si effrayants maintenant! !

- Description de ptwxz


Titre Court:IHBPE
Titre Original:我有一群地球玩家
Auteur:Seventh Rubik's Cube
Weekly Rank:#5965
Monthly Rank:#5157
All Time Rank:#3638
Mots Clés:Aliens, Comedic Undertone, Cultivation, Game Elements, Genetic Modifications, God Protagonist, Kingdom Building, Racism, Spaceship, Virtual Reality,
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Chapitres Récents

~ To the audience grandpa il y a 2021-12-04 10:32:54 Chapter 2179 :new start! il y a 2021-12-04 10:32:53 Chapter 2178 : I am not alone..... il y a 2021-12-04 10:32:52 Chapter 2177 : The secret of the past! il y a 2021-12-04 10:32:51 Chapter 2176 :the truth! il y a 2021-12-03 10:55:09

Tous les Chapitres

Chapters 1 - 250

Chapters 251 - 500

Chapters 501 - 750

Chapters 751 - 1000

Chapters 1001 - 1250

Chapters 1251 - 1500

Chapters 1501 - 1750

Chapters 1751 - 2000

Chapters 2001 - 2165

Voir toute la liste des chapitres »
25 vote(s)

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20 Comments on “I Have a Bunch of Players on Earth
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  1. This is the first novel that I have read that has a very detailed summary on the comments. (more than one person) Well someone not happy with the "third brother having only the lowest talent and later becoming slaves to the whites lol...

  2. In addition, for the university battle plot in the universe, There is something very stupid ,That is the concept of the power of the universe federation competing with the world of the dead, Dunia orang mati mengeluarkan kekuatan terkuat mereka, apalagi itu adalah tim yThe world of the dead brought out their strongest power, moreover it was a team consisting of people who were once considered the strongest talents but had died, But what about the universe federation?, The top university powers in the universe federation are the lord god academy and the federal academy which always comes first in competitions between academies, Maybe lord God academy not being included still makes sense because the academy itself doesn't need competition and they are lategame type,Only after graduating from school do they become very strong, But the academy federation wasn't even mentioned at all, Even though their record is always winning and never dropping in the university ranking, But when there is an important event that requires them to represent the universe federation, they are not included? Even Lord God Silvana himself once said to the top 10 universities, Each ranking represents a fairly large difference in resources, The academy that was nurtured with the greatest resources in the federation universe was not included in the competition against the world of the dead?

  3. There are good parts, but the bad parts make it annoying to read, Good parts include the MC, background of the entire universe civilization, power level, Comedy and sad parts, Base on Mars and 6 city system, The bad parts include overly strong racist nationalism, Some inconsistencies in the story such as the gene chosen by the ruler of the Chinese city changed from being a developer to a Titan, Pu Yunchuan, who is said to have quit his job in the very first chapter after Xinghai made money, suddenly got a plot, many colleagues and bosses asked for Xinghai's quote, The base system owned by the player suddenly becomes completely useless since entering Arc Academy, Many player characters become irrelevant after the academy arc because players who enter the academy arc develop too quickly while those who take other routes are not even mentioned anymore

  4. the beginning of the story is good, but over time it becomes boring, the power system is good but lacking in terms of base development, too much nationalism and racism, In fact, I usually tolerate novels with racist elements as long as the storyline is good can't stand this novel, The racism and nationalism in this novel left me speechless, the author made MC a person who is not racist and even opposes racist ideas Because it does not benefit base development and civilization at a higher level, but the author deliberately makes the MC's underling act racist at every opportunity, And racism in this novel also includes hypocrisy which makes me reluctant to continue the novel, when Chinese players make it difficult for American players in the Beta test because American players Got a game quota even though many Chinese players were queuing, almost all layers of players from the forefront such as lord players to newbies participated in the bullying, But when the fifth city was founded and the American players made it difficult for the Chinese players, they were immediately portrayed as ruthless and villain,

  5. To sum it up, it is a novel of endless possibilities with great character development and powerful world background where you can follow over a dozen of main characters on their experiences and adventures. Have touched over 1100 novels but i don't think there was ever a novel like this, it's one of it's kind. Definitely recommended to check out, gets better and better after the initial chapters. Spoilers!! A very solid novel with smart characters, there are funny and cute moments as well, but it's also very dark in nature and many characters do have that darkness in their personalities which made me feel uncomfortable, e.g. Alice. Currently am at chapter 1900. Was wondering why there are only 2100~ chapters so i checked the author's note at the end. Sadly the novel was halted for the reasons author cited there. Overall i don't regret reading it all, 1900 chapters in like 2 weeks and it doesn't even feel like much, time passes fast and the novel doesn't bore you out. 1900 chapter here feels like chapter 300 in other novels. The one arc that felt like a drag was the battle one with New Territory (after they closed the space) that took well over 600 chapters, and the problem isn't the amount of chapters because it was cool to read about more than 5 different forces battling it out, but honestly there were too many people with different agendas, the backstabbings, the comebacks, plot armors over some characters, the plot twists.. there were way too many, as if Lord of Mysteries arcs were all mixed into one, with all key players appearing and doing their things. Can you imagine this level of writing at the stage of a first contact with people from Galactic Federation coming to a indigenous world? The main problem with this novel is the incomparably vast world background is too vast for so many main characters. They're cool and likeable, almost all if not all of them, but reading so many perspectives doesn't push the story forward that much, and due to that, at some point author stopped dropping several somewhat key characters.. was supposed to be a story of alien MC and earth players as his forces, but.. because there were over a dozen main characters.. First, the enslaved aboriginals that were given background and experiences, roles, names, we even followed their perspective for a chapter or two, players were spending credits to upgrade them as their scouts, generals and so on.. they were dropped off and stopped being mentioned. Then the main characters' co-investors (like the judge guy or the developers so highly fought after) and the whole idea of building their own civilizations and forces stopped being mentioned. Kunlun Sect was dropped despite the powerful introduction of the Sect Master, then the tutors like Wei Len that had kept appearing and been the main contact with Kunlun was dropped.. alien MC's 2 little family guys were introduced then shortly after dropped.. the school with grandmasters that the alien MC won over had just little small arc looking for talents among Earthlings and then blended into background, dropped except maybe the principal. Then isabel, Bing Guo (and her titan sister) and several others players that were some of the main forces' leaders stopped appearing and blended into background.. the girl Shayna or whatever her name was, i expected a plot twist with her but i think she was dropped, or i missed in mtl.. the druid guy also disappeared i don't know where after having his own little arc.. then some main characters like the one who was so in love with Shayna (i think? the titan that resonated with gaia) were left over at Emerald Realm ,,for practice/expansion". And then, for the arc after New Territory, which is players going to the Galaxy Federation, Lei Xue was reduced to a manager role on Mars base, while all these Earth players that were left at Earth,Mars or New Territory/Emerald Realm also slowly blended into background. Only some genius individuals ("top players") were introduced to galaxy as individuals and were thrown to universities arc.. author is really great at writing non boring story, because before they fully enrolled, the arc already took over 100 if not 200 chapters. Then in the first 3 months after enrolment, in other novels would maybe take 50 chapters at most, here it takes.. another 200 or more chapters, am there reading it at chapter 1900 haha, ancient land and test that turned out to be deadly. And the arc is completely focused on these 7 main characters, while the author introduced at least dozen or more student characters.. somewhat feels like changing genre, we went from a novel of very elaborate Legendary Mechanic type to that one mecha novel i forgot name of where all arcs are basically some long a s s tournaments. We follow the perspective of these top tier "players" and their experiences as students. What about their initial forces! What about their chosen civilizations! The "game points" stopped being relevant to them! Haha. But trust me, the novel was worth my time, i'd definitely love to continue reading further. Looking at the grand stage the author prepared with world background, if he really continued, he'd probably need to write another 15000 chapters or more to finish the novel and it's a shame i can't witness this masterpiece. At chapter 1900, we barely appeared in galaxy, these top tier "players" are only at the first realm's ranks 9-14 and they can to some extent, as shown in current ancient land arc, have power of first realm's peak rank 20. They are insignificant for now when it comes to real powerhouses, so they somewhat grow too quickly it's still too slow. You can imagine Legendary Mechanic where MC is grade A and needs to face opponents of grade S, but players are grade C. So it's like that here except these players are also main characters:D And while their power is broken among the peers, the previous arc we had from chapter 700 included several third realm individuals (or was it fourth realm?), where these players were fodder basically. And funny thing, these strong individuals.. are considered junior generation in the Galactic Federation, e.g. the Lord Bolton, the other one, and their subordinates like Sabo or his sister, or archer Wei En or even the assassin girl Lanaya. The first antagonist named Bolton was written like some boss but in the end he was just considered an insignificant upstart/freshman lord even by some store managers in galaxy haha though he has an important role for his abyss race. So they are just juniors that live less than an epoch (?) but they took 600 or so chapters to have their personalities fleshed out yet after the academy arc started they blended into background because there's nothing much for them to do for the time being:D

  6. I agree. I read this in one go up to chapter 1950 which was the latest chapter back then. I came back a while later and saw that the author gave up. But anyways the point is this is a great novel regardless of authors mistake of making too many 'main characters'. Its a pity the author decided to give up.

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