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I Am In Charge of Myriad Realms Bank

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Résumé du Roman

« Ding ! »

"La 1233e transaction est terminée et le taux d'achèvement est de 800% !"

« Récompenses : [Mille ans de temps], [Dix mille ans de vie], [Talent divers], [Beauté incomparable], [Sacred Artefact King]… »

Chen Fan y était habitué depuis longtemps, trop paresseux pour le lire, et l'a jeté dans l'entrepôt.

Depuis qu'il était en charge du système de la Banque des Dix Mille Royaumes, il jouait au sabre, s'entraînait au sabre et bavardait avec de belles femmes tous les jours, grâce à des ressources continues, une force qui monte en flèche, le désir des êtres et la reddition de toutes les races ! /p>

- Description de MTLNovels


Titre Court:IAICWB
Titre Original:我掌管着万界钱庄
Weekly Rank:#4274
Monthly Rank:#3429
All Time Rank:#1771
Mots Clés:Ancient ChinaFanfiction, Business Management, Contracts, Dolls/Puppets, Fanfiction, Fast Cultivation, Ghosts, Loyal Subordinates, Mind Control, Multiple Realms, Sex Slaves, Slave Harem, Store Owner, System, System Administrator, Weak to Strong,
See edit history

Chapitres Récents

Chapter 2663 Chen Fan VS God Mother-in-law! il y a 2022-06-20 20:09:23 Chapter 2662 Another win! il y a 2022-06-20 20:09:20 Chapter 2661 win! il y a 2022-06-19 20:06:22 Chapter 2660 Bet, start! il y a 2022-06-19 20:06:20 Chapter 2659 who is the dirtiest il y a 2022-06-18 20:12:52

Tous les Chapitres

Chapters 1 - 250

Chapters 251 - 500

Chapters 501 - 750

Chapters 751 - 1000

Chapters 1001 - 1250

Chapters 1251 - 1500

Chapters 1501 - 1750

Chapters 1751 - 2000

Chapters 2001 - 2250

Chapters 2251 - 2500

Chapters 2501 - 2663

Voir toute la liste des chapitres »
33 vote(s)

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52 Comments on “I Am In Charge of Myriad Realms Bank
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  1. Chapter 793 here. The mc is extremely passive , apart from trading in the bank and peeping at his subordinates he barely does anything , even when they are about to die he only watches , the number of times he took the shot himself doesn't exceed 5-10 times and that too casual shots. And there is a antagonist named Zhou yunfeng who is here from early 100s ch , mc knows he is plotting against the bank and him , he does nothing to stop him and now that cockroach is already a super devilish prodigy in the demon realm increasing his cultivation rate and combat powers tremendously. The dude knows he needs to get stronger faster because of the enemies previous owners made but has yet to try finding the last 2 materials needed for making his spirit body, the dude is a pure bystander here at this point and his subordinates feel more like protagonists than himself. His subordinates get hooked up with heavenly beauties and mc only bitches about being fed dog food :v . I'm gonna wait and see if the bitch becomes more active after getting the body for himself or not. -_-

  2. I really hate these kinds of MCs, I really hope there will be an villain MC that will make these types of MCs suffer to death and make them regret for being so stupid and for wasting the chance given to them..

  3. Mc acting all stupid like : i am here to collect debt, what does mc hope the guard will do? Go to the prince and tell him to return the debt to him, and after that the way he says, sure enough it can't be solved by talking is what annoys me the most, generally i would ignore bullshit like this but suddenly today i became a bitch about it, sorry everyone

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