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Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?

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Le programmeur Tao Zhiyue s'est métamorphosé en chair à canon dans un article sanglant du PDG. Il était le premier amour du livre qui a rendu le protagoniste Huo Ran handicapé et navré. À la fin, il a été vengé à mort par le mari et la femme du protagoniste, particulièrement misérables.

Tao Zhiyue s'est enfui sans hésiter.

En tant que maison morte, il s'accroupit fermement à la maison avec l'ordinateur comme compagnon, se livrant au merveilleux monde en ligne de la sculpture sur sable, si malheureux.

Je plaisante, même si l'intrigue veut qu'il rencontre Huo, il n'y a aucune chance, d'accord ?

En parcourant le forum un jour, il a vu un message de phishing tellement délirant :

[Titre] J'ai été poursuivi par quatre personnes du même sexe, mais je suis un homme hétéro, comment refuser poliment ?

Tao Zhiyue, un homme gay, a répondu avec un ricanement –

Puis il a inexplicablement rencontré un internaute à l'ancienne.

Tao Zhiyue a essayé d'enseigner à l'internaute hétéro quelques manipulations coquettes pour rejeter l'amour des autres, et l'effet a été remarquable, et il a réussi à étrangler les fleurs de pêcher de l'autre partie !

Plus tard, l'internaute, avec qui il entretenait une relation de plus en plus ambiguë, l'a invité à le rencontrer officiellement, et il s'est rendu au rendez-vous le cœur battant.

Le grand et bel homme tendit nerveusement la main en rougissant : Bonjour, je m'appelle Huo Ran.

Tao Zhiyue : ! ! ! ! ! !

Un programmeur décisif qui aime la vie et ne fait jamais d'heures supplémentaires × Parfois, l'amour pur des filles de l'école primaire attaque de deuxième génération riche en balles droites, double premier amour.

- Description de Novelupdates


Titre Court:HLTBGO
Titre Original:你好,这种情况持续多久了?
Weekly Rank:#2769
Monthly Rank:#4068
All Time Rank:#5170
Mots Clés:Businessmen, Calm Protagonist, Misunderstandings, Modern Day, Modern World, Nationalism, Online Romance, Programmer, Transmigration,
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  1. I'm recommending this novel to all my friends, the story is incredibly good I SWEAR!! Their relationship is incredibly cute and mature, the secondary characters are good, there are no villains in this story which I already consider a bonus!! I read these 101 chapters in two days and honestly they would read a thousand more pages if the author wrote it, it's all so good that I'm rooting for him to create a physical version of the book <3

  2. 15 reasons to read this work of art: (do not contain spoilers) 1- The MC is not the dumb and clumsy type, he is incredibly intelligent. 2- ML is not the type that sees the MC as inferior, from his point of view you can see how much he admires him. 3- Their relationship is like a black cat and a golden retriever, our MC is more introverted and he acts more for reason, while ML is extroverted and acts for emotion. 4- Their relationship is incredibly mature, there are no unnecessary couple fights where they don't talk to each other, before an argument starts they already dialogued and resolved everything. 5- In this novel there is no villain, and there is also no cannon fodder to try to interfere with the relationship. 6- In this novel there is also no secondary couple, which I think is a shame because I would like to read more about ML's sister who is incredibly self-astral and fun. 7- There is no extremely sad scene :) 8- MC and ML's love language can be said to be quality time and gifts. They both like to spend time together watching movies and playing games, and right now they are treating each other. 9- Our ML despite being extremely athletic is also very nerdy, he is passionate about space mainly the constellations and the planet saturn (while reading he explains in detail) 10- Our MC is extremely passionate about cooking and every time he is happy he likes to cook. (ps: he often cooks when talking to ML and when they are together.) 11- The couple is quite cinephile but their tastes in movies are different, the MC prefers horror movies while the ML loves romance movies. 12- Throughout history, both MC and ML have a common game that they play. The MC's character in the game is a hedgehog representing his more introverted and isolated side, while the ML's character is represented as a bear demonstrating to be friendly and extroverted. 13- At the beginning of the story, the MC's sexual orientation as gay is introduced, but there is a whole process until he opens up and comfortably tells his closest friends his sexual orientation. Already the ML right away thinks he's a straight man for never having been interested in men even after several have already tried to flirt with him. (ps: he only discovers his sexual orientation when he meets the MC) 14- The dialogues during the course of the plot are like poetry, there are many passages that can be applied in our personal life. (ps: my gallery is full of excerpts that the author writes ^_^) 15- Their relationship begins at the very end of summer, and at the end of this novel, the season is summer again.

  3. First I must say that this story has become my favorite, and if the author decides to make a physical book I will really spend all my savings to buy this work of art!! Well, at first, you read the plot and imagine that it's something common like a simple reincarnation story, but it's MUCH more than that. . Our MC is practically a version of me, he was a guy who lived for his work and ended up missing many opportunities to live something new and when he reincarnates in another world at first he feels very lonely and alone, he desperately tries to escape the core of the soap opera and tries to create a routine where every day he does the same thing, his life becomes monotonous and his fear of interacting with others makes him even lonelier. But one day he interacts with someone online and realizes how good the interactions he avoided so much are, from a beautiful friendship that was created soon turned into love, our ML is incredibly patient and respectful with the MC, he always think of your well-being first, their relationship is so cute and sweet that you want to fall in love just by watching them!! Throughout the story we met the true "protagonist" of the soap opera who should have been ML's romantic couple, as a reader it scared me thinking that he would interfere in their relationship but no, he only had small lines and proved to be an extremely kind person with our MC!! The story itself is light and very beautiful to follow, it has no villain and no character that tries to interfere in the relationship between the two, which is extremely mature and comfortable, it would read a thousand pages if the author rewrote it again ^-^

  4. Primeiramente devo dizer que essa história se tornou a minha preferida, e se o autor resolver fazer livro físico eu realmente vou gastar todas as minhas economias pra comprar essa obra de arte!! Bom de início você lê o enredo e imagina que é algo comum como uma simples história de reencarnação, mas é MUITO mais que isso.. todos os pensonagens tem seus charmes e características tão únicas que da vontade de conhecê-los pessoalmente e interagir com eles. Nosso MC é praticamente uma versão minha, ele era uma cara que vivia pelo trabalho e acabou perdendo muitas oportunidades de viver algo novo e qnd ele reencarna em outro mundo ele de início se sente muito solitário e sozinho, ele tenta desesperadamente fugir do núcleo da novela e tenta criar uma rotina onde todos os dias ele faz a mesma coisa, sua vida se torna monótona e seu medo de interagir com os outros o faz mais solitário ainda. Mas num dia qualquer ele interagem com alguém on-line e percebe o quão bom são as interações que ele tanto evitava, de uma bela amizade que foi criada logo se transformou em amor, nosso ML é incrivelmente paciente e respeitoso com o MC, ele sempre pensa em seu bem estar primeiro, o relacionamento dos dois é tão fofo e doce que da vontade se apaixonar apenas observando os dois!! Ao decorrer da história conhecemos o verdadeiro “protagonista” da novela que deveria ser o par romântico do ML, como leitor me deu medo achando que ele interferir no relacionamento dos dois mas não, ele só teve pequenas linhas e se mostrou ser uma pessoa extremamente gentil com nosso MC!! A história em ci é leve e muito linda de se acompanhar não tem vilão e nenhum personagem que tenta interferir no relacionamento dos dois que é extremamente maduro e confortável, leria mil páginas se autor rescrevesse novamente ^-^

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