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Dad’s Science and Technology Martial Arts Museum

3.4 (37 reviews)
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Dans la ville orientale prospère, il y a une petite salle d'arts martiaux qui attire les joueurs les plus forts du monde.

Les frais y sont élevés, même s'il ne s'agit que d'une conversation d'une minute avec le propriétaire, cela coûte 8 888 yuans.

Il n'y a pas d'opérations commerciales régulières là-bas, et le musée est ouvert au plus quelques heures par jour, et il est fermé à intervalles de trois à cinq.

Le service là-bas est très mauvais, et les stagiaires ne reçoivent pas les conseils du maître toute l'année, et ils n'envoient même pas d'uniforme d'entraînement.

Cependant, c'est un merveilleux petit musée d'arts martiaux, mais chaque jour il y a d'innombrables personnes fortes qui veulent se joindre, même si elles vont juste pour le nettoyage.

Un jour, le président de la Global Warrior Association, qui vit dans les montagnes depuis de nombreuses années, a visité ce musée.

«Baba va me faire un gâteau d'anniversaire aujourd'hui. C’est très chargé. Venez faire la queue demain. Une petite fille délicate et adorable a dit d'un ton bourru.

- Description de MTLNovels


Titre Court:DSTMAM
Titre Original:奶爸的科技武道馆
Auteur:A dream for thousands of years
Weekly Rank:#5475
Monthly Rank:#6719
All Time Rank:#1663
Mots Clés:Late Romance, Male Protagonist, Martial arts, Nationalism, Slave Protagonist, Slow Growth at Start, System, Transmigration, Weak to Strong,
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32 Comments on “Dad’s Science and Technology Martial Arts Museum
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  1. This could almost be a restaurant novel, mcs customers instead of going in and use 1 of the machines to gain 0.1 in stats, could order a meal and gain the stats. Mc got a daughter, the hair tieing, just like the other restaurant novel, system made him do tasks and something or someone will turn up straight away so mc can finish that task. The nationalism/ jap bashing was getting too much. Author says muay thai is inferior to chinese martial arts because their toughening techniques damage the nerves and body too much, then a few chpt later mc learn bs kungfu by soaking in 300c boiling water! for 30 min for 10 days. Damage done by 3x boiling water is way worse than kicking hard poles. Mc shatters the bones of his dojo break opponent that can be healed by hospital, but muay Thai can't be healed?! Then comes the jap bashing, all Japs are villains, author keep saying all Jap karate stolen from china, learnt from china worse kind of kungfu chicken scratch. But author forget to mention china kungfu is from India martial arts. Pot calling Kettle ect. Read this only if nothing else good.

  2. Well calling foreigners especially Japanese....."devils" is a required characteristic for being a novel writer in China and as for KungFu's origin being India.....I don't think think those braindead CCP dogs would agree.

  3. Probably not that stupid, you know people check their novels right? If someone "above" doesn't like it the author will get reported and banned from writing.

  4. Read till V3 cpt 1.the Mc is super retarded. Extremely stupid to the point that it is disgusting. He never thinks on his own and the system is there to think for him. Mc gave one of his nine eternal fruits to the yummen war God in exchange of her to promote his water bottle company. You should know that he only got 9 of those and in the entire universe it can cause peak universe level existence to fight for it. Mc knows about it but he still treats it like cabbage like we don't even know if there is more because it takes at leas 3b yrs to grow one sigh. Mcs love for his daughter is turning to a disgusting side like bruh. He gave his 4 yrs old daughter full control of the fatty bear *spoiler* that thing only follows simple orders no high intelligence at the beginning and in its weaked state is still capable of destroying the planet. Mc giving his daughter command of it is not different than putting a nuclear launch button on his daughter hands to play.

  5. It's an interesting novel at the start. But the author has no idea how to do dialogue or character development. about 95% of the novel is just training/cultivating.

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