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Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight

4.3 (19 reviews)
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[La copie est trop difficile à écrire]
Meng Xia porte un livre, habillé comme un substitut du protagoniste masculin Bai Yueguang dans le livre, un canari au destin misérable
Afin de changer son destin, après avoir rappelé l'intrigue, Meng Xia a décidé d'embrasser Bai Yueguang, le protagoniste masculin, le plus grand patron du livre.
Ning Qingwan est belle et impertinente, et quand il s'agit de Jiquan Tiancai, elle est toujours indispensable.
Un jour, la petite fille qui lui ressemblait exactement tenait un groupe de ses partisans et lui demanda timidement : "Vieux… mari… es-tu amoureux ?"
Ning Qingwan regarda la petite fille rougissante devant elle et ne put s'empêcher de la taquiner : "Comment m'appelles-tu ?"
【Le petit théâtre est trop mignon】
L'émission d'observation de l'amour des célébrités et des amateurs "Fortunate to Met You" a été lancée et Ning Qingwan a été invité
Les fans ont refusé de lier le CP, et ils se disputaient à ce sujet, mais ils ont constaté que son mari flirtait toujours avec une autre invitée qui lui ressemblait, et l'invité masculin est devenu un tableau de fond.
Les internautes ont demandé : Est-ce que je regarde Ji avec des yeux pourris ? Comment puis-je faire correspondre mon visage ?
Des internautes anonymes ont répondu : Merci pour l'invitation [photo]
Sur la photo, Ning Qingwan tenait le visage de la petite fille de quelqu'un d'autre, l'embrassait sincèrement et avait une expression profonde sur son visage.

【Guide alimentaire】
①Le corps est délicat et doux et facile à renverser l'innocent petit malfaiteur doux et mignon VS et le grand gars sensuel paranoïaque Shuang Jie
②Au début, c'était un béguin à double sens ~ gros doux et petit abus ~~ se terminant il
③ Il y aura une session d'attaque mutuelle, une fois (le vieux visage est rouge : le genre d'enseignement pratique)
④Le personnage n'a pas de prototype, veuillez ne pas le remplacer ~ Le réglage antivol est de 70%, 36 heures, si le taux d'abonnement n'est pas suffisant, attendez 36 heures pour voir le nouveau chapitre ~ Wang Haihan.
【Mise en évidence de la protection contre la foudre】
①La logique de l'auteur est inutile, et tous les personnages de l'intrigue ne sont que pour la douceur sans cervelle, et je n'aime pas être prudent. Refuser le guide d'écriture~ Vous avez raison
②Les détails ne peuvent pas être détaillés et la zone de commentaire ne suffira pas à se plaindre.

Balises de contenu : un faible pour le divertissement, le texte doux, à travers les livres
Mots-clés de recherche : Protagoniste : Meng Xia, Ning Qingwan ┃ Rôle de soutien : "Never Forget GL" pour le reçu anticipé ~ Crabe Crabe ┃ Autres :
Introduction en une phrase : le dessert préféré de Ning Qingwan est Meng Xia
Intention : faites-le vous-même, ayez suffisamment de nourriture et de vêtements

- Description de MTLNovels


Titre Court:BBMPWM
Titre Original:被男主的白月光撩弯了(穿书)
Auteur:Pomegranate Rabbit
Weekly Rank:#4684
Monthly Rank:#4827
All Time Rank:#8569
Mots Clés:Entertainment Circle, Transmigration,
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19 vote(s)

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9 Comments on “Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight
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  1. I like novels where the characters communicate instead of entertaining whatever thought pops up in their minds and letting the misunderstanding fester and corrode the relationship which gives opportunistic hyenas and vultures an opening to grab a bite. Communication is key to a stable what I understand from reading lots of dog blood novels because personally I haven't entered a relationship since birth lol. This is a straightforward novel with little drama but lots of dog food. A breath of fresh air after many dog blood novels.

  2. Just finished reading it and despite the other comments I enjoyed it. While I agree the relationship was really fast paced and the plot wasn't all that angsty I don't find that bad. Don't read this if you want pure dog blood plot. Don't read this is if you want a complicated MC. Don't read this if you hate soft MC's. However if you want a soft romance with just a touch of angst then read this. If you don't want to wait 200 chapters until the characters get together read this. If you want a cute romance and fast plot solutions that you can get through in like two days then this is great for you. There's also no loose ends with extras.

  3. i second this, if you want sweet and fast, this novel is for you. fortunately, i just finished reading a slow-burn novel so i'm loving this right now lol

  4. Even after reading Stiltskin's review I still had some hope in my heart. It couldn't possibly be so mediocre could it? First of all, MC just sells cute - that's all she is, and does. She's cute. Nothing else about her matters at all. She has no other talent, or skills either. She's just cute. Second, the 'ambiguity period' is incredibly short. They start living together, acting like a married couple in just 2 dozen chapters. There's some sweetness to this novel though, which is why I'm giving it 2 stars. But still.. plot, characters, EVERYTHING, so mediocre.

  5. I won't argue about the plot since it really wasn't anything mind blowing, just very sweet. But I do think you're selling the MC a little short here. She might not have crazy skills that can help her out of dangerous situations like a lot of protagonists, but saying she has no talent and only has cuteness isn't true. She can cook and make sweets, carve wooden figures, make jewelry, and she is hardworking and diligent. Her gf asked her to work out so she would have more energy for *that* and she did! She's tone deaf but she learned to sing and play guitar for her gf's birthday! She's attentive to details and sincere in the way she treats people, making an effort even when people would normally expect such a small thing to be forgotten! Strictly speaking, a lot of people in this world aren't as good as her, can't cook or make sweets, are clumsy so they can't do delicate work like wood carving and jewelry making, will give up on exercising after a few attempts, won't learn to sing or play guitar bc they feel that they don't have natural talent for it, or even treat their family, friends and lovers as if they're nothing, so saying there's nothing to her aside from cuteness really does her dirty. MC isn't a particularly thrilling protagonist, but if you met someone like her irl, it wouldn't be hard to fall in love with her.

  6. Firstly MC has a 99% chance of being bottom. Secondly this is by far the most average novel I've ever seen, NOTHING seems natural in the protagonist's romance with FL, (Other than she tells FL that she transmigrated BECAUSE THEY DID NOT EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER RIGHT, that was in the chapter. ) they get attracted to each other very quickly. (chapter 5) apart from that the protagonist has NOTHING interesting.

  7. Thanks for the review. Sounds terrible! The last few yuri novels have been yawn-worthy. Fingers crossed we'll get something good soon.

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