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Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe

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Sangyu a voyagé dans la société primitive,

Dès qu'il ouvrit les yeux, il fut attaqué par un vilain monstre.

Dans un moment critique, il a été sauvé par un petit sauvage,

Elle ne trouvait pas la route principale, elle ne pouvait donc que suivre les petits sauvages jusqu'à leur tribu,

Cependant, la tribu a été attaquée et le chef a été tué dans la bataille.

Les jeunes ont été emmenés, ne laissant qu'un groupe de femmes et d'enfants âgés et faibles attendant de mourir.

Sang Yu n'avait nulle part où aller, et afin de rembourser le petit homme sauvage, il rassembla les trente ou quarante personnes restantes pour former une nouvelle tribu.

Elle a fait de son mieux pour apprendre aux membres de la tribu à ouvrir des terres en friche et des terres agricoles, à élever des volailles, à pêcher, à faire de la poterie et à construire des maisons ;

Établir des lois, apprendre aux populations tribales à lire, apprendre l'étiquette et faire attention à l'hygiène ;

En même temps, creusez des tranchées et construisez des murs pour résister à l'invasion d'autres tribus ;

L'annexion de la population et l'expansion externe continue sont devenues la première tribu de l'ère primitive à créer une nouvelle ère.

L'ancien petit sauvage a grandi progressivement et est devenu une petite beauté grande et impertinente,

La petite fille est sauvage, mais elle est belle et obéissante, et son efficacité au combat est au top.

Elle a suivi la tribu des gardes Sangyu pour se battre dans toutes les directions et a réduit en pièces les bandits et autres membres de la tribu.

Si quelqu'un ose convoiter son seigneur, il sera abattu.

Balises de contenu : Voyage dans le temps et dans l'espace agriculture culture gastronomie infrastructure

Chercher des mots-clés : Protagoniste : Sang Yu, Yu ┃ Seconds rôles : Ya, Miao, Zhuang, Gao ┃ Autres :

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Titre Court:BLIPT
Titre Original:在原始部落当首领(基建)
Auteur:big cat moon
Weekly Rank:#2659
Monthly Rank:#2350
All Time Rank:#6938
Mots Clés:Age Gap, Ancient Times, Beautiful Female Lead, Devoted Love Interests, Kingdom Building, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Possessive Characters, Primitive Times, Romance, Strong Love Interests, Strong to Stronger, Time Travel, Tribal Society, Violence,
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  1. If you enjoyed this story, you might also like . It 's transmigration with a game system element and also has the farming/society building with a dash of f/f romance. If you're more interested in a survival story with f/f, was very interesting, with a bit of a different premise. (Entertainment Circle stranded on an abandoned planet and forced to survive). Just punch the urls into Google translate's website function and enjoy

  2. Additionally, if you just want another pre-historic tribe building story with a dude of f/f there's

  3. you guys may also like this: 从入门到精通的开荒生活 it's about individuals getting transported to a no-man's-world and being granted with various abilities related to different fields and industries (like farming, cooking, infrastructure and stuff). there's no magic; just humans surviving, finding one another and building their own villages. it's GL and a slow-burn at that. there are a lot of characters. trigger warning: there may be mentions of depression, panic attacks, and sooweeside (obviously). it's really good and imma rate it 9/10 if you're into farming and building stuff.

  4. This is a really good story EXCEPT for the central romance which is unredeemably awful. Thankfully, the romance does not really happen until the last third of the book, so for the first two thirds it is really great. The Romance is between a 20+woman and a 12/13 year old child, who she basically raises (grooms). Seriously why do CNovel authors have such a hardon for romance with paedophilic (or incestuous) undertones? This is icky when it is an adult man and a 12/13 year old and it is still icky when the 20+ year old adult is a woman.

  5. Yeah this writer did this in, "Tongzhuang ten mile rice flower fragrance" and it was also gross. "The butcher and the Little Lady" and "I rely on farming to support my daughter-in-law" weren't as bad about it iirc

  6. Oh, lmao. I think you could paste the titles into shubaow and they'll pop up! I found the female butcher and the little lady on there so the same might go for other novels.

  7. This author has done several farming/build-up a community baihe stories. They're generally pretty an enjoyable way to pass the time.

  8. Just slap em into a translator This other author also has a couple that aren't on this site yet:

  9. The author is 大猫追月. You can usually find authors by looking up the novel's alternate title (the one in Chinese) on You could then translate the page to English (usually most browsers have that feature built-in) to find the author, then look back at the original, then copy-and-paste the author. Hope this helped!

  10. I mean you could also just click on the authors name lmao, makes it easier to find novels. If you find a novel you like, then just copy-and-paste the novels title to find a translation here, if there isn't you could just paste the title into google and look for websites that have the full novel. It's easier to use the translate page function but you could also use DeepL if you want a better translation.

  11. Oh, lmao. I think you could paste the titles into shubaow and they'll pop up! I found the female butcher and the little lady on there so the same might go for other novels.

  12. Huhu, how come its not showing up on my end. I also tried to search the author namr on shubaow and even search the title "The Butcher and the Little Lady" on shubaow but still no results came up. If u may, can u paste the link here pls.

  13. Oh i found it! Lol, I tried to search using the keyword "farming" and it popped up. Dunno, why nothing is showing when u search the authors name. Haha. Thank u!

  14. I usually read in shubaow since it's free. I visited jjwxc but I cant find any novels with all chapters free or am I looking at the wrong page? Are there free novels there as well?

  15. jjwxc is an official site where authors usually publish their work. It's basically where they earn their money. Shubaow is basically just pirating these novels lmao.

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