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Absolute Great Teacher

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Après que le professeur de médaille d'or Sun Mo de l'école secondaire n ° 2 de la ville soit tombé à l'eau, il est venu à Tang Guo, Zhongzhou, et est devenu un professeur stagiaire qui venait juste d'obtenir son diplôme. Il avait une fiancée blanche et riche qui était toujours directrice d'une école prestigieuse, mais l'école était en déclin. Radiation et radiation, élimination de l'école…

Le début de Sun Mo a été d'aider sa fiancée à s'asseoir fermement au poste de directeur et à laisser l'école revenir à la liste des riches.

Après que Sun Mo ait obtenu le système de maître sans égal, il a transformé les déchets en or, transformant chaque déchet en génie. Sous la direction de Sun Mo, les scumbags ont appris à maîtriser un an, à apprendre l'empereur pendant trois ans et à apprendre Dieu pendant cinq ans. Un boss de niveau roi!

Comment osez-vous dire que mon maître et apprenti a un faux nom? Épéiste, saint lance, épée démon, saint, Wushuang Guoshi, une génération d'empereur diable, deux grands saints, trois suprêmes, tous sont enseignés par moi, demandez-vous juste si vous avez peur?

J'aime emmener le poisson poubelle en bronze dans le chef du roi, dit Sun Mo!

- Description de MTL


Titre Court:AGT
Titre Original:绝代名师
Auteur:Longing Washes Red Beans
Weekly Rank:#5627
Monthly Rank:#5935
All Time Rank:#788
Mots Clés:Academy, Battle Academy, Beast Companions, Cheats, Fast Cultivation, Harem, Jack of All Trades, Male Protagonist, System, System Administrator, Teachers,
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  1. 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙍-18 𝙉𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡: 𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙧18.𝙘𝙤𝙢

  2. Hey... pensar que lo vi 2 veces esto jajaj.. solo me habia olvidado... pero en ocaciones me daba la sensacion que sabia que pasaria.. o donde iva el momento xd ¿que cosas no? >_< ='D De todos modos.. esta muy bueno, y lo disfrute nuevamente.. aunque, me jode que no muestren mas cuando todos esperamos que se vaya el MC al vacio xd tal vez, estamos acostumbrados a ver Martial Peak o algunos otros jajaj.. ;P Lastima que termino u.u~ Gracias. Posdata: Si tiene poligamia... pero, varias veces se decepcionan y no se animan a acercarse al MC y el mismo tambien.. pero, suceden cosas buenas y de todos modos es Harem en si. :3 LA MEJOR PARA MI ES Gu Xiuxun <3 (y es la primera con la que esta con el MC :P)

  3. Chapter 433, it had been like 10 or 15 since MC win the bet with the vice principal. But he still did not do anything about it yet. This dude is cancer to the academy, one more day he is staying in the academy meant one more day of disharmony of the academy. He had supported many bad dudes ruining the academy's reputations, and in many cases causes harm to students and people around. Yet, MC did not have any urgency to get rid of this guy? Have to wait for this dude to act destructively again before claiming the bet? Why must let someone get hurt before making a move? The chance to get rid of him is already available, why not act? Perhaps someone must get hurt or die before he remembers that he wins the bet and to loser have to scram out of the academy? In real life, the enemy from within is the most dangerous and most destructive enemy, they know in and out, and how to hurt you badly. This kind of enemy must be rid of ASAP.

  4. After chapter 570ish the author is changed, and the as the story progresses it shows more and more flaws and loopholes. _____ Also the change in personality of the protagonist when the author switches is a little off putting._____ MC turns from a calm and respectful scholar/teacher to a rash/hotblooded and perverted one, it's a shame because the first half of this novel was meaningful and thought provoking and now it's a generic boastful CN novel

  5. This is true and the students are just skrewd plus there is one teacher and student who would have been saved during the 2 star exam had he kept his original mentality but this new personality be like I'm not a monk lol like you need to be a monk to show compassion and patience which is what a famous teacher should do

  6. I think the author messed up in Ch ~371? Wasn't MC student Jiang Leng promoted to next level after body refining? For that school promotion freshmen thing there was a rule about students needing to be new to school not over 14 years old I think and NOT beeing next level

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